The Global Health Research Experience Rotation allows students to have a firsthand experience in a research project that is tailored to students´ areas of interest and skill sets. Depending on the rotation, students will gain experience in instrument creation, fieldwork, data analysis, and manuscript preparation, while having access to leading researchers in the field. By engaging in the GHRE rotation, students will gain insights into global health careers and scientific research while practicing skill sets useful in the field.
- Location: Lima
- Term: All year
- Duration: Minimum duration is one month
- Language of instruction: English or Spanish
- Language prerequisite: None
- Cost: Dependent on the rotation, however students cover costs directly related to their project. Many universities offer scholarships for global health research; our program offers staff support for proposal writing.
- Contact hours: Dependent on rotation
- Credits: Dependent on rotation
- Application deadline: At least three months prior to requested start date.
A list of potential projects has been provided, however, project placement depends on professor availability, stage of project execution, and student interest and skill sets.